ST ST ST Stuttering, Stammering: Natural Solutions     

Stuttering and stammering robs you of expressing yourself, making a good first impression, landing a new job, convincing an audience to follow your advice. To see remedies for the tongue-tied stutterer.

The stuttered consonant or phrase may repeat and repeat when we try harder. Sometimes there is an unwanted pause before the word or the syllable expressed. Other times a sound or a word is stretched out. Or there’s a tightness around the face, mouth or jaw when speaking. Stammering reinforces the anxiety and lack of confidence that causes it. If you’re excited or tired or stressed you’re more likely to stammer. It happens to many of us, from about the age of five. Stuttering can be accompanied by eye blinking, trembling of lips, facial tics, head nodding, hands in fists.  

It can deter the person from speaking in public. When it comes to job interviews, presentations and making a good impression, smooth, comfortable delivery can make all the difference. How to manage these important achievements with a stammer?

Here are seven tried and tested remedies for the tongue-tied stutterer

Fast talker who trips over his words: Hyoscyamos

Tongue trembles, mouth full of saliva. Mercury 

Irritable and critical: Nux vomica

Excited mutterer waving around limbs. Stramonium

The next three remedies for stammering are very similar: spot the difference

Nervous tics, over all anxiety, worse with the cold: Agaricus

Nervous spasms in face and limbs: Cuprum met

Twitching of limbs, mainly: Zinc

Why else to consider 

Decrease the amount of copper in the environment and diet. You can check the copper content in the body with a hair analysis test. 

 You or your child may need a constitutional remedy which will ultimately resolve the stuttering.

Of course, there are speech pathologists who provide useful tuition along the way; the film ‘The King’s Speech’ shows how King George VI mastered his stammer after coaching.

Tell me about stuttering issues, I will tell you how homeopathy works:

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