Travel Remedies for Bruises, Bowels and More

Exciting as it may be, travel comes with the unwanted luggage of body pains, from tummy upset to sunburn. If you banged your finger, over-indulged or sense an earache, read on.

For bruises and blows, after injury or for internal bleeding. ARNICA is the remedy. Also supports soft tissues of the muscles.

For earache. if the external ear is hot, swollen and bright red and for fear, be it reasonable or not,  Aconite or Belladonna are best. There’s often a restless anxiety. 

If very thirsty take ACONITE.

 If there’s a tearing pain throughout ear and humming noises try BELLADONNA.  Warm olive oil via dropper can ease and eliminate discomfort and is terrific for loosening wax build up.

Hangover? Oversensitivity? Nausea with headacheIrritability?  If you  have overindulged in stimulants  or alcohol or excess of food or drink,  if you feel overwhelmed  by everything (it’s all too much) try NUX VOMICA

For stomach upsets and diarrhea from poor quality or tainted food and for food poisoning take ARSENICUM. Burning pains in the gastrointestinal tract are better for warmth. Nausea, weakness and debility are usually present.  

Simmer sliced fresh ginger root in water for @10 min and drink with a little honey.

For sunburn when the skin is hot, red and dry with a feeling of internal burning and severe headache, worse for pressure, noise, movement take BELLADONNA

Homeopathy should serve you well, especially if a pharmacy is not nearby. Take the remedy 20 min away from food or drink, neat, under the tongue. Avoid putting anything too spicy or aromatic in the mouth for a bit to allow the remedy to work best. You may need to repeat up to four or five times if the discomfort is intense. 

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